Council on Aging December Calendar

December 2022 calendar notes 

Folks from the Garden Club will be in the house on December 5th at 1:30 to offer the annual Garden Club Green and a chance to make a fresh green holiday display for home. That means that miss Karyn will not be holding her Monday afternoon exercise class and Tai Chi will be sliding back to 3:30. Sorry folks, tis the season… 

Students from Williams will be here this Tuesday the 6th at 1:00 for game playing, participant choice! 

We’ll be doing our first “Hot Dog Extravaganza” in awhile on Friday December 9th at 12:30 , dogs, beans and all the fixins to be followed by a visit from Chief Pedercini from the Williamstown Fire Department who will be talking to us about fire safety at 1:00 

On Tuesday the 13th we’ll be offering a screening of the Hollywood classic “It’s a Wonderful Life” at 1:00, there will be snacks, likely including popcorn for this event. 

Friday the 16th will be a holiday party of sorts featuring Richard Meyer and his band at 1:00 preceded by some food. We’re debating the merits of grilling out in December versus pizza so stay tuned. 

Our Monday exercise leader and Tea Party Master Karyn will be here on the 19th at 3:30 with some young students from her parish to sing carols and bring holiday cheer. Join them! 

On the 20th our friends from Williamstown Commons will be here to lead a cookie decorating session at 1:00. Sounds yummy to me. 

In what seems to be a new holiday tradition, Rick will bring folks around on the evening of the 21st-First Day of Winter- with the van to view local holiday lights and sing carols. Starts at 4:30 with cocoa after. We’ll need to know who is interested so please let us know if you’re coming. Remember, as with any activity, if the weather is bad we’re not going out and about. 

Our Tech Tutoring collaboration with friends from Williams continues this month with openings still available for December 9th. If you have an iphone, Android, tablet, laptop, whatever and need a bit of help, give us a call and Monika or Abby will match you with someone who’s familiar with your device. 413-458-8250 

Of course, we’ll have the usual array of activities and classes in December which includes, of course , Friday coffee with Randy Fippinger from the Selectboard in the house on the 9th and a “Holiday Sweater” gathering on the 23rd. We all know what Holiday Sweater means right? 

We’ll be closed on Monday December 26th, it’s a holiday observation day… Have a great month!

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