Council on Aging Snow Day Policy

 Notes, Tuesday November 15th, 2022

Ugh. The weather forecast for the next day is pretty ugly.  It’s time to reiterate our snow day policy. Quite simply, if the weather is bad, snow, sleet, rain, all that nasty stuff, we may cancel programs out of an abundance of care.  Unless it’s really bad, think blizzard conditions,  COA itself may very well be in operation, the Harper Center open but without programs. We don’t want anyone injured because they thought they had to come in for a program. For those of you who have participated in our exercise, Tai Chi or Yoga classes, if the school is closed class is canceled. With any foul weather day, we urge you to stay home and off the roads. Sometimes safer is better. If you have any questions regarding our status on any bad weather day, feel free to call us and ask. 413-458-8250. 

Additionally, if Elder Services decides that Meals on Wheels is canceled, there will be no Grab and Go. They usually decide that early on the day of an event and announce it with other cancellations on the radio.

As for those of you who ride the van, we know that that big white vehicle doesn’t stop on a dime and is unwieldy on slippery roads. We simply don’t take it out if the weather is bad. Riders will be notified about van cancellations as soon as possible when we know we won’t be running on any particular day. We are sorry if we cause you any inconvenience from a cancellation but we’re operating from the viewpoint of safety first.

Here’s another Thanksgiving meal announcement; The Berkshire Food Project will host their annual free traditional Thanksgiving meal for the community on Monday, November 21 at their dining room at the First Congregational Church, 134 Main St in North Adams, use the Summer St entrance. There will be two seatings: 11:30am – 12:30pm and 1;30- 2:20 pm. All are welcome. They will also be open on Wednesday, November 23 but closed on Friday, November 25, 2022

Stay safe and look for your shovels today, don’t wait until tomorrow.


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