Berkshire Health Systems (BHS) will temporarily halt its COVID-19 vaccination clinics at the BHS Vaccine & Testing Centers in Pittsfield and North Adams, effective April 1. That is long awaited news. It doesn’t mean that COVID is gone, it’s still lurking in various packets out there but I think we know what to do about it. You can still find vaccines as many pharmacies and grocery stores have them readily available. Hopefully, we won’t have to offer large scale clinics for this ever again. Hooray!

On April 14th, it’s a Friday, the Williamstown SPCP, which is an acronym for Strengthening Police and Community Partnerships, is hosting what we might call a pizza party at the Log. The official purpose will be for the committee to report to the community on their activities with the WPD in the community during the past year. As you know, the committee was formed in 2021 to respond to the issues which had popped up in 2020 and attracted lots of attention locally. Mike Ziemba had invited the US Department of Justice to come in and help sort it all out. The initial phase was concluded on a snowy day in March 2022 when many of us gathered at Mount Greylock to identify concerns and ways to create a good path forward for strengthening police and community relations. The SPCP was created on that afternoon and has worked diligently to meet the concerns of Town residents and strengthen this partnership since then. This is the one-year report the committees work. Join us, bring your questions and have a slice on us

The Comprehensive Plan Envisioning Williamstown 2035 is reaching toward its final phase. The committee has put a LOT of work into this process. They’ve prepared an “Existing Conditions” report talking about what Williamstown looks like now, held information gathering sessions-we had one here- and prepared a summary report. Now, they’ll begin developing a plan.  Before it’s finalized, they’re looking for your input. On Friday April 21st, Stephanie Boyd from the Town planning board will be in the House for coffee hour.  She’ll be here to talk about the plan to date and to solicit your input on proposed future actions.  This is a kind of important conversation dontcha think? So in honor of the occasion, we’ll do French Toast Friday so join us!

Next Tuesday, April 4th at 11:00, we are starting a new program with Mary Molleur who will be offering 15-minute Reiki sessions.  Reiki is an approach in which the practitioner places their hands lightly on or just above a person, with the goal of directing energy to help facilitate the person’s own healing response. It’s based on an Eastern belief in an energy that supports the body’s innate or natural healing abilities. We hosted an information session last week and now we’re ready to roll it out as a potential ongoing program.  You will need to sign up with us here at Harper. We’ll have a paper sign up in the usual spot in the main hall near the kitchen, or you can call us and we’ll add you to the list. It’s first come, first serve and we’re offering one session per time for each participant. Call us here at 413-458-8250 for more information.

Talk again,


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Application for Non-Profit Funding

The Town of Williamstown receives occasional requests from non-profit organizations for partial funding in support of programs or projects that provide services for and benefits

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